The weather was finally decent for the last few days (sorry, I will stop saying that now) and we made the admission free instead of 25 cents, so there was better turnout, though apparently not huge compared to other ports. For example, one day we had around 4000 visitors. Since Cambodia was a poor port, we had a large donation of childrens books (80,000) that we were giving away for free, first one per visitor, then we changed it to three. One of the jobs for the book exhibition was to take their tickets in exchange for the books. On these busier days the free book area became jam packed with people. In western cultures people would not be comfortable being so squished together. The job sounds simple, until you have 20 people rushing you at once with anywhere from 1 to 7 tickets and some of them buying extra books. I turned around for one mintute to count a stack of 70 books that one guy was buying and people started poking me and waving their tickets in front of my face. Gong show would be an accurate description. And don't forget how hot and humid it was too. Partly by God's grace and partly by the fact that we were just giving these books away anyway, I was able to stay calm. At least the Cambodians seemed honest about exchanging the tickets for their books.

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