Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 36

If my last post seemed overly negative I apologize. I didn't mean to say that the whole day was a write-off. It was a good day actually, I just felt I needed to share about this one thing that was bothering me. I can't access the comments page currently, but to answer my mom's question, I have only noticed this shyness in Thailand with these schools, but I will be on the lookout.

I bet the next thing everybody wants to know about is the princess' visit. Well, I haven't heard much about it so what can I say? I can show you some photos that were taken.

I'd also like to show you the the good side of the ship...

...and the not so good side.

That's about it. But thanks for praying. Did I mention the theme verse of the line-up team for Bangkok? Sorry if I am repeating myself. It's the one about being the fragrance of Christ to those who are perishing. One of the line-up guys made a lovely point during our port orientation. He commented about how our sense of smell, while not the most noble of the senses, does have a reputation for triggering memories. And we are just passing in and out of Bangkok like a fragrance on the breeze, but we hope to leave such a positive impression of Christ here that sticks in their minds so that when these people encounter other Christians it will trigger good memories and encourage them to draw closer to God.

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